B-1 Visa Temporary Business Visitor


B-1 Visa overview

The B-1 visa is usually issued to nationals of other countries that enter the US for business meetings, scientific, educational, professional or business events and conferences, resolution of proprietary matters, participation in business negotiations.

The International Business Visitor (IBV) or Applicant shouldn’t receive any kind of payment or salary in the US.


When applying for the US visa, IBV must provide official evidences to the US consular officer that he or she intends to leave the US once the trip has ended. These may be the documents that confirm that the Applicant:

  • Has no intention to immigrate and has tight ties to the native country;
  • Has enough funds on the bank account to cover the expenses during the entire period of stay in the US;
  • Is ready to stay in the US within the specified time frame.

The Applicant must provide any other documents a consular officer may require. All documents should be original.

AVAILABLE FINANCING THAT DOESN’T REQUIRE ADDITIONAL EMPLOYMENT DURING THE BUSINESS TRIP: There must be enough funds on the bank account for the necessary travel accommodations and other living expenses during the business trip.


The Applicant should prove that the purpose of the B-1 visa application is a regular business activity (or medical treatment). 

The Applicant should prove that the business trip to the United States is limited in time and after its completion he/she intends to return to the native country. The Applicant should demonstrate to a consular officer the conformity with the criteria of getting visa in accordance to the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). The acceptable business purposes for the B-1 visa application are the following:

  1. Investigation of the opportunities of investing in the US;
  2. Consultation services;
  3. Market research;
  4. Travel for medical treatment; 
  5. Finalizing contracts, solicit services, or negotiation; 
  6. Attending field seminars, business events or conferences
  7. Short-term business training.

After the interview, a consular officer has the authority to approve or deny any US visa application. A consular officer cannot approve any applicant who doesn’t confirm the intention to return to the native country after the end of the business trip. There is no appeal against the decision of a US consular officer.

IBV must provide evidences of the intention to come back to the native country from the US once the declared time frame has expired. The evidences may be round trip air tickets with the specified return date, business letter with the indicated itinerary and venue, the letter of a financial support that guarantees a sufficient financing during the stay in the US, evidences of familial and work ties to the native country, which ensures the necessity of the departure from the US. They include the proofs of owning property and assets, permanent job, family photos, some other activities etc.

The B-1 visa application can be done at the United States Consulate outside the US or at the Border Control Post. The Applicant must fill the US State Department Form OF-156 and provide all necessary documents that clarify the purpose of the trip, sufficient funds on the bank account, and a strong intent to return to the native country after the trip.

The B-1 visa is issued for a period that does not exceed 5 years. But during the interview at the US Embassy, the visa officer can limit the period at his/her discretion.

The B-1 visa may be renewed for the additional 6-month period but for no more than 12 month stay.

A renewal petition should be sent to the BCIS Regional Service Center that has the jurisdiction over the IBV’s place of residence. To obtain the visa extension, the Applicant must prove the following:

  • He or she has enough funds for the extended trip;
  • He or she does not need an additional employment;
  • He/she is still going to leave the US at the end of the trip.

The B-1 visa can be approved or denied in an instant at the US Consulate where it has been submitted. Also the B-1 visa can be submitted at the US consulate in the home country of the IBV.

Want to get more information about the B-1 Business Visa process, the US business visa requirements or any other immigration details? You can either do it yourself  by downloading the visa application form or by contacting us. Our professional team will reply with no delay!  

Last Updated 05/26/23 07:23:58AM

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